$ 100.00
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Donation Total: $100.00

Send a Smile to a Special Needs Child of All Ages.

Christmas Gift Box Sponsor Program

This holiday season you can share your joy by sponsoring a Christmas gift box for a special needs child of all ages.

Each box has a variety of toys that each special needs child of all ages will truly enjoy.
Can you picture the look on their face when the postman delivers their special box to them, and they open it so see all the toys just for them?

Sponsoring a holiday gift box is easy. Just fill out the form below.

We believe every child should have a gift to open this holiday season and you can help us when you sponsor a gift box for a special needs child of all ages.

You can gift a smile as an individual or as a business. Each sponsorship is $50 per box.
Corporate sponsorship includes your logo on a sticker on each box sponsored.

(If you are a parent and just want to send a card to a child click here)

Corporate Sponsors