Touch-A-Truck 2023 Entertainment Application
Event Date: Saturday April 1, 2023
Event Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Event Location: Lafayette St between Cape Coral ST & Vincennes- Cape Coral, FL

- General InformationDuring Touch-A-Truck, Truck/Vehicle providers may demonstrate services, provide free samples, and hand out promotional/educational materials and free information to the event participants
- At least one adult representative must be with your entertainers in the staging area for direction and safety issues
- You must arrive at the staging area at least 15 minutes before your scheduled performance.
- During Touch-A-Truck, Entertainers are free to explore, climb, and discover the trucks and the event amusements up to 20 minutes before and any time after their performance.
- Horn free hour is 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. This is for special needs and children with sensitive ears, therefore music will be low during this period.
- Stage space/size is limited to 16’L x 9-1/2’W and 28” off ground level
You will be notified when you application has been received and accepted by phone, mail or email. If you have any questions please feel free to call Denise Wood at 239-770-6871 or email Forms must be submitted by March 15, 2020. Submitting this form does not guarantee your performance at this event.
Hold Harmless
In Participation for: Cape Coral Touch-A-Truck I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and assignees, do wave, release, and holds the City of Cape Coral and EHL Fragile X Foundation, Inc. harmless from all claims or causes of action for damages or personal injury suffered by me(us) while participating in the Cape Coral Touch-A-Truck event. Whether known or unknown, and I understand that I am assuming the risk for any damage or injury to my property or person which I may sustain while participating in this event. If I should suffer any injury or illness, I authorize the Cape Coral Touch-A-Truck representative to use discretion to have me transported to a medical facility and I take full responsibility for such action. I hereby authorize the use of any photographs, video pictures, or other material related to the event for publicity, promotion, or news purposes.